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Art goat

Grand Canal - KERI BEVAN


About the Wall Art:

Keri Bevan is an American-born fine art photographer living in England. Her passion for photography started as a teenager. “My most prized possession was a vintage enlarger that I set up in the family bathroom to develop black and white film.” After studying photography in the 90s, life took her to NYC where she spent most of her career in the fashion industry. While traveling for work she rediscovered the joy of capturing images and her passion for travel photography. Today she is sought after for her amazing ability to reveal the familiar nuances of life in unfamiliar settings. Urban landscapes hold a particular fascination because they are “infused with the memories of so many travelers.”

Premium quality canvas printed on matte coated ink jet paper and poly cotton canvas. Available in a framed print or framed canvas and a selection of frame options. All of our frames are timber and manufactured in Melbourne. Ready to hang canvas and Free Shipping Australia Wide.