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Art goat

Light and Bright Floral V - ELIZABETH URQUHART


About the Wall Art:

Self-taught photographer Elizabeth Urquhart is inspired by nature and uses photography to capture the ever changing beauty of the outdoors. As a young girl in Canada, she spent countless hours in her mother’s garden and at her family’s cottage on the lake, soaking in the beauty of a summer’s day. Today, while photographing and editing, she imagines her work hanging in her home and creates art she would love to decorate with. She creates calming simplified images by isolating one or two colours, using soft lighting and a narrow depth of focus, and applying texture during editing.

Premium quality canvas printed on matte coated ink jet paper and poly cotton canvas. Available in a framed print or framed canvas and a selection of frame options. All of our frames are timber and manufactured in Melbourne. Ready to hang canvas and Free Shipping Australia Wide.